
Symposium 2025 Pricing

Tickets to Symposium 2025 are €499 per person.


For more detail, check the itinerary

How to Register

If you are a member of Cycle Cities, click here to register for Symposium 2025. We are accepting Owners/Directors/Senior Managers – up to 2 persons per company in the first round.

If you’re not a member of Cycle Cities Click here to apply.

How to Pay

Payments will be via Mighty Networks. Click the links above to register and pay. 

Group Discounts

Because of our limited capacity at Symposium 2025, there are no group discounts. We are restricting to 2 persons per company. If there are tickets remaining after the first round, companies will be invited to register more people.

Cancellation Policy


What our Attendees Say...


Antwerp by Bike

“This symposium is one of the most educational experiences you can have. Not just because of the presentations but mostly because of the strong network. You’ll be able to brainstorm with bike tour operators of all ages and sizes”.


Malaga Bike Tours by Kay Farrell

“You will get invaluable information to help your business and you will meet lots of amazing like-minded people!”


Inside Rotterdam

“It’s an amazing opportunity to meet and learn from other bike tour companies in the world”


Berlin on Bike

“Cycle Cities Symposium is the best chance to get together with like-minded people if you are in the bike tour business. You will get the chance to share knowledge and ideas that can help to push your business forward and on top you will have so much fun. If you don’t go, you are simply missing out”


Quasimundo Bike Tours Bruges

“First of all, it is so valuable to learn from your colleagues in other cities, to get to know them, to listen to what they struggle with, to understand why they make the decisions they make in their cities. Secondly, you might have an epiphany. Some things you have never thought about are suddenly so obvious. Thirdly, after the symposium, you will find it easier to reach out to other bike tour operators, because it’s more comfortable talking to someone who’s face you know.”


Brighton Bike Tours

“Cycle Cities Symposium is the best and most fun way to learn about this business. It’s an ideal opportunity to reflect on one’s practice, get ideas for how to develop and connect with others with shared interests and concerns. Not to be missed!”
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