




Sunday 2 - Optional Activities

There will be a gettogether in Marseille for those arriving in town this evening.

Monday 3 - FadaBike Day

Marseille Bike Tour

As every good visit to a city should, we kick off with a bike tour!

Discover Marseille with all its secrets and treasures on the bike tour, led by the expert guides of Fadabike. Learn how they do things the Fadabike way, from checking in guests, to handing out bikes, to designing routes, to safe and expert guiding. Marseille is a town of history, gastronomy, industry and culture, and nobody knows it and shows it better than Fadabike. Be inspired, and take the best ideas back to your own city.

A Fada Fête

An evening of entertainment provided by Fadabike.

The Fada team will introduce us to Marseille, taking us on a ride through their history. We'll meet the guides and get to know all the new people in the Cycle Cities Partnership. You won't leave hungry or thirsty!

Tuesday 4 - Symposium Day

Strategic Sync-Up

Grab a coffee and a seat, and then get talking about the Partnership. In 2025, we are focussing on mission. We'll talk about the importance of mission, and give Partners a chance to help shape the mission of Cycle Cities, and integrate it into their own strategic approach. We'll also communicate what we've achieved in the last year and what we have to look forward to in 2025.

This talk will help us 'sync-up' with the Cycle Cities vision and goals, and set the platform for a powerful Symposium.


Times are changing. The OTAs are nervous. Could AI undermine the OTA business model?

Embark on a transformative exploration of Artificial Intelligence and its profound impact on the tourism industry.

In this captivating presentation, we delve into the innovative applications of AI technologies that are revolutionizing how businesses engage with travelers and enhance their experiences. We’ll uncover the endless possibilities AI unlocks for your business, saving you time and money, as we redefine the future of tourism through the lens of cutting-edge AI advancements.

Poll Position

Ladies and gentlemen, you're in the driver's seat, and it's time go get interactive!

Poll Position is our live-polling feature, a highlight of every Symposium since 2019. Watch in real-time as the results roll in on the big screen. Analyse data, participate in brainstorms and vote on your favourite initiatives.

Cycle Cities is driven by its Partners, and Poll Position will show you just how driven it is.

Bike 2 Consumer

Join us for an interactive workshop focused on maximizing B2C sales, promotions, and synergies within our network. Discover innovative strategies to harness the collective power of our audience for increased referrals, direct bookings, and resource sharing.

In this session we'll deep-dive into essential topics such as GDPR compliance, leveraging advanced technology, and our network's strategic shift towards challenging OTA dominance.


Lunch at a local restaurant


Our Cyc-lone Session will be an explosion of creativity and brainstorming.

Everyone in the room will have the chance to input their greatest challenges and pressures in running a bike tour business. We’ll then group these into Categories, and start the storm! Attendees will cycle in and out of conversations, and contributing their best ideas in the whirlwind. At the End, the best ideas will rise to the top, and innovative solutions will abound.

A Mighty

Symposium is logging into Mighty Networks, and we'll be zooming all over the world!

There are many Partners who can't see us face to face, but in 2025, there's no missing out.
We will be hosting the Happy Hour to end all Happy Hours, A marvellous meeting where we can make everybody from across our network feel included and part of our wonderful Cycle Cities family.
By Wednesday afternoon we'll have so much knowledge to share, so much inspiration to spread, and so much Symposium to send around the world.

Settle in for a drink, and get ready to supercharge our knowledge sharing economy worldwide!

Partner Dinner

in the evening, we'll be meeting and eating Marseillaise!

We'll head to a traditional French restaurant, tried and tested and hand-picked by our hosts. There will be a 3 course meal, drinks, and lots of opportunities for catching up. After the meal, for those that want to 'kick-on', Emmanuel from Fadabike will lead the group to one of his favourite bars in Marseille.

Wednesday 5 - Connections Day

Connections Day

We are still putting together our Wednesday morning program.
Watch this space!

Free Time

Grab some friends, grab some lunch, take a walk, a bike, or whatever you feel for your Wednesday afternoon.

The Afterparty

Time to kick back. Symposium goes to bed for another year....

...but not before our afterparty! Stick around for more drinks, hanging out, locking in those new friendships and making the most of the Marseille atmosphere.

We'll also be handing out some awards to those souls who make our network the best place to be, year after year.

Thursday 29 - Optional Activitity

Join Fadabike on their amazing Calanque bike tour. It's a beautiful part of France. Crystal clear waters, islands and inlets, stunning scenery, all appreciated from the comfort of an e-bike.

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